I recently switched from the AIO install to HASSIO. I had my MQTT sensors working before. Now, not so. I opened up SSH(PUTTY) into HASSIO and subscribed the topic and got data back. So I know MQTT is working. But no data on the HASSIO dashboard.
Sensor data from master bedroom does not display.
Can I ask if you copied and pasted the topic and name as the double quotes for those two and the double quotes for your unit_of_measurement look different.
If that’s the case, you could try changing them or removing them to see if that helps.
Hey, Nick
I know the feeling when you try and troubleshoot something and you can get code blind and sometimes just get so caught up in it you miss the obvious things until somebody points it out and you slap your forehead
Glad to help.
WOW, i had a similar issue and was searching for hours why it does not work. Could not imagine it can be something as simple as slightly different quotes. Thanks!