Need: cloudless WLAN roller shutter with RF433 support (as alternative to DieseRC WiFi+RF curtain module)

I bought roller shutter modules “DieseRC Wi-Fi+RF Courtain Module” due to the combination of WiFi and RF433 and integrated them via tuya to my Home Assistant (Intel NUC) and Alexa. To do this, I need a tuya account, run the tuya smart app, add the modules there and and link my account to my Amazon account.

However, I don’t like the idea of my roller shutter modules talking to the tuya cloud for daily operation, requiring a stable Internet connection and the tuya service to be available. I also would like to avoid any other smartphone app than Home Assistant, where I will do my automation.

I want to be as independent as possible and operate only locally, avoiding cloud integration and esp. external communication via some cloud for every button I push or every script that I run.

QUESTION: Does anyone have an idea for a roller shutter module that communicates only locally within my WLAN SSID to Home Assistant and in addition supports RF433 (or Zigbee or Z-Wave) for independent operation via an RC or push-button?