Need Help! Broadlink Integration does not show any entities


I bought a Broadlink RM4 Pro universal remote and added four devices in the app. After that I unlocked the hub via the app and installed the Home Assistant Broadlink Integration; then I provided the (static) RM4 IP to Home Assistant via the Broadlink Integration GUI Setup. So far, so good…

However, I only get shown 1 device and 1 entity in Home Assistant; the 4 devices bundled in the RM4 are not exposed / shown in Home Assistant.

I deinstalled the Integration several times, cleared the cache, whatever, it does not work. I don’t get shown any Broadlink entities in Home Assisant except the remote.broadlinkmain_remote, which is the RM4 itself. There are no errors in the Log.

Is the Integration broken or am I missing something?

Thank you! BR

The command codes for the integration are stored in HA (/configuration/.storage/), so you won’t be able to use anything set up in the app. In fact I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that you should not attempt to add devices to Broadlink remotes with the app if you want to control them through HA - you may have to do a factory reset and start again. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I set up a RM4 Pro recently and only used the app to link it to the local network, then exited. I went through the integration process and used remote.learn_command in the Services tab of Developer Tools to teach it the device commands I needed. A bit fiddly, but it’s working well.

The docs are pretty good.