First step is often to use your browser tools to find out if you cannot get the data more easily than with page scrapping.
E.g. will get you the current playlist in JSON for the 1st one, with "is_playing": true telling you the currently playing.
Look first for “json” data type, then for types which are not “js”, “css”, “html”, …
If the data is generated on the server (no json), look for the plain html containing the data, which is easier to parse than the “final” page, which is plastered with javascript-generated data.
both websites require Javascript to show the interpret, so scraping won’t work.
I’ve taken a look at the source code, the Javascript is reaching out to an API which delivers those values in JSON format. You can also get the title information etc.
As koying pointed out, you can usually find those URIs in ‘Network Tools’ in in your browser dev console.
This config should work:
- platform: rest
name: "Radio886 Interpret"
resource: ""
value_template: >
{% set res = value_json['data'] | selectattr('is_playing','true') | list | first %}
{{ res['name'] | title }}
- platform: rest
name: "Soundportal Interpret"
resource: ""
value_template: >
{{ value | regex_findall_index(find='interpret:(.*)<br\/>', index=0, ignorecase=True) }}