I try to configure the HACS integration unifigateway with sensor.unifigateway
But it doesn’t work.
I have a UDM Pro with the latest firmware version
I configurer the sensor as indicated in the doc
- platform: unifigateway
host: 192.168.X.X
port: 443
username: rodolphe
password: XXXXXXXXX
verify_ssl: false
- wwwJ'ai configuré le senso
- wan
- lan
- wlan
- alerts
- firmware

Thank you in advance for your help
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you need to add the “version:” to the config.
here is mine:
- platform: unifigateway
port: 443
version: UDMP-unifiOS
username: !secret unify_user
password: !secret unify_password
- www
- wlan
- alerts
- firmware
- vpn
- lan
- wan
there was a big issue report discussion about that that literally just got resolved in the last couple of days:
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Yes, thank you for your help, indeed the fact of adding the field version any works
Thank you very much 
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