Need help installing RFXtrx antenna and Nexa sensors

Hi, im new to homeassistant and need a little bit of help.
I have just bought an RFXtrx antenna and connected it to my RP3, how can I check if its working?
I have added the following to my config-file

device: /dev/ttyUSB0


  • platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: True

I also have a Nexa LMDT-609 motion detector and a Nexa LMST-606 magnetic door/window sensor.
Do I have to install something for these to appear i Homeassistant?

What helped me was to enable debugging for rtxtrx in home assistant.
This is what I have in my configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.rfxtrx: debug

And then just look in home-assistant.log for clues.
Also, have you looked in <your hass-url>/dev-state. Look for something like sensor. 0a52080000301004d240259 (The ID will ofc be different).

I guess you have read this?