I have an ESP32 connected to my water softener flow meter and I am able to get current flow rate and total flow rate. I have a power meter connected to septic pump. I know roughly 75 gallons of water is what the septic tank will take before the pump engages. I would like to know if the pump fails by alerting if more than ~90 gallons go by. I was thinking about having an automation that would alert on a numeric state once it goes above 90 gallons and reset that counter once the power meter detects the pump running. I know how to detect the pump running and making an automation based on it and i know how to make a numeric state automation, i just dont know how to have “another meter” that gets data from the flow rate and is “resetable”
Here is my ESP32 code:
- platform: pulse_counter
pin: GPIO27
unit_of_measurement: 'gal/min'
accuracy_decimals: 1
update_interval: 5s
name: 'Water Meter House'
- lambda: return (x / 62.0);
unit_of_measurement: 'gal'
name: 'Water Meter Total'
state_class: total_increasing
device_class: water
id: water_meter_total
accuracy_decimals: 1
- lambda: return (x / 62.0);
Any help would be appreciated. Also this is my first post!