Need help on installing Z-Wave


Interested in getting a HA setup for ZWave working. I don’t understand how to install ZWave, and for a guy who just follows instructions line by line, this does not work:

I am not familiar with building stuff, and the documentation confuses me. Do I just have to do this:
$ git clone
$ cd python-openzwave
$ PYTHON_EXEC=$(which python3) make build
$ sudo PYTHON_EXEC=$(which python3) make install

AND also this:
$ sudo apt-get install -y checkinstall
$ sudo PYTHON_EXEC=$(which python3) checkinstall --pkgname python-openzwave --pkgversion 1.0 --provides python-openzwave

I ran both line by line (with my user, not root, using sudo as instructed). At the end of the last line
$ sudo PYTHON_EXEC=$(which python3) checkinstall --pkgname python-openzwave --pkgversion 1.0 --provides python-openzwave

I get this error:

copying openzwave-git/open-zwave-master/config/domux/dx2skz.xml -> /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/python_openzwave/ozw_config/domux
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Makefile:229: recipe for target ‘install-lib’ failed
make: *** [install-lib] Error 1

Can anybody help me, or perhaps provide me with a correct set of instructions for installing HASS on Debian with ZWave, non- virtual environment?

Many thanks in advance.

I can’t help you specific with Debian because I have Arch Linux but have you installed pip?
Then the following command should work:
sudo pip install --upgrade python_openzwave

If it works don’t forget to set zwave “config_path” to the correct location.

Hi Sybon

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have all the dependencies installed and have followed the instructions to the letter. I am not sure my question was clear, so I made a screenshot from the docu to clarify what is confusing me:

Thanks again for any advice you can provide.

I believe you want to select one method, not trying both.

Is your home-assistant installed in a virtualenv? In that case you want to install python-openzwave in the same manner, using the homeassistant user.

Something like this, details like paths and usernames may be different for you:

sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
git clone /srv/homeassistant/src/python-openzwave
cd /srv/homeassistant/src/python-openzwave
# if you want to build version 0.3.3, do this checkout first:
git checkout v0.3.3
# finally, build and install
PYTHON_EXEC=$(which python3) make build
PYTHON_EXEC=$(which python3) make install    # not with sudo

Does this need to be ran inside the venv?

You don’t need to do anything these days, just enable the Z-Wave component - please see the documentation.

That’s what I thought, but still running into issues. I’m running Python 3.6, but I did install the extra libpython3.6-dev and python3.6-dev.

I’m porting from hassio over to a venv install. I’ll have to post up the log when I get home tonight to see if someone can further assist. The /dev/USB_whatever_its_called is set to proper permissions and based on the ozw log it did recognize my lock/thermostats as it did some driver initializing, but then it looks like it removed the driver and I’m getting config errors for zwave and zha and no devices showing.

Normally the stick will be /dev/ttyACM0. However, what config errors? If you don’t tell us the actual errors, it’s hard to help you.

My guess is that the device paths switched on your Z-Wave and Zigbee sticks. Check the troubleshooting section for details on how to fix the device paths.