Need help to integrate TuYa TV02-Zigbee


i bought this supported zigbee thermostats from tuya TuYa TV02-Zigbee control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT on aliexpress.

When adding it to zigbee2mqtt I get the following message:

Successfully interviewed '0x0c4314fffe719810', device has successfully been paired
Warning Device '0x0c4314fffe719810' with Zigbee model 'TS0601' and manufacturer name '_TZE200_hue3yfsn' is NOT supported, please follow
Info MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/event', payload '{"data":{"definition":null,"friendly_name":"0x0c4314fffe719810","ieee_address":"0x0c4314fffe719810","status":"successful","supported":false},"type":"device_interview"}'
Info MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"message":"interview_successful","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x0c4314fffe719810","supported":false},"type":"pairing"}'
Debug Received Zigbee message from '0x0c4314fffe719810', type 'read', cluster 'genTime', data '["localTime"]' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
Warning Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model 'TS0601' and manufacturer name '_TZE200_hue3yfsn'
Warning Please see:
Debug Received Zigbee message from '0x0c4314fffe719810', type 'commandGetData', cluster 'manuSpecificTuya', data '{"data":{"data":[0],"type":"Buffer"},"datatype":4,"dp":2,"fn":0,"status":0,"transid":25}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0
Warning Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model 'TS0601' and manufacturer name '_TZE200_hue3yfsn'
Warning Please see:

Tha manufacturer name ‘_TZE200_hue3yfsn’ is also whithin the tuya devices zigbee-herdsman-converters/tuya.js at 141d1b77e4709f53a7e49dc684a594da783d715a · Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters · GitHub

        fingerprint: tuya.fingerprint('TS0601', [
            '_TZE200_hue3yfsn', /* model: 'TV02-Zigbee', vendor: 'TuYa' */
        model: 'TV02-Zigbee',
        vendor: 'TuYa',

I don’t understand, why my device is unsupported.
What is different about my device?
And what do I have to do to successfully add my device?

I have that exact same TRV integrated on Z2M 1.28.0-1

Thank you for your reply. Good to know there is a new version.
My Z2M was still at 1.18.1-1 although I have activated auto updates.

I had to uninstall Zigbee2MQTT and replace the add-on repository for Zigbee2MQTT with this one GitHub - zigbee2mqtt/hassio-zigbee2mqtt: Official Zigbee2MQTT Home Assistant add-on
I restarted HA and installed the add-on again. Now it’s working!

Thank you!

Ah, I had a very similar problem a few months back and needed to switch to the new repo. Pleased you got it sorted out.

1.28.0-1 has really messed things up.

OK, I like the fact you have an SYSTEM MODE function but in reality it just inverts the HEATING_STOP.

However, when you switch the mode to ON it goes to AUTO even if you have previously set it to MANUAL. Then when you switch it to MANUAL it changes the temperature to 20°.
I have to change two extra settings each time I turn the heating ON.