Need help understanding the hassio build system

I am trying to understand build system of hass io from the project “GitHub - home-assistant/hassio-build: 🚜 build tools

As I checked the build scripts we have

  1. core builder docker image located at folder hassio-build/builder/
    • used for creating a builder image for base,homeassistant-base,homeassistant,homeassistant-machine for different architectures
      Q. I was succesful in creating image by running the script, but when I try running the command

docker run --rm --privileged homeassistant/amd64-builder --armhf --base -t ./

The command runs forever and never returns. Are the above steps followed by me are correct? Can someone please help regarding same

  1. We also have different build scripts under hassio-build/build-scripts for building front end and resin io. Can someone please help me order in which the scripts need to be run on local environment.

  2. There seem to be some duplicate docker images in the project

hassio-build/base-image and hassio-build/homeassistant/base

build-scripts/homeassistant-landing-page and hassio-build/homeassistant/landingpage

Can someone please clarify difference between them


For your command running forever and never returning…there is a bug in the script causing that. See my PR here:

For your question #3: base-image is used as the base for all of the other images. homeassistant/base derives from it, and is the base for the platform-specific images. So for 64bit RPI3 it would look like base_image/aarch64 -> homeassistant-base -> homeassistant/machine/raspberrypi3-64

follow this video

They aren’t trying to install hassio though

His docker command mentions the hassio docker image

It’s a build environment…not an installation

I’m trying to do the same thing for local testing, have you found a way to build hass core/os locally ?