I have Hassio, version 0.72.0, running on a RPI3, working with DuckDNS & “HTTPS:”, also with
- Samba Share, - working fine
- SSH Secure Shell, - working fine
- Mosquitto broker, - working fine
- Configurator, - can only access from the Hass.io, OPEN WEB UI
- Node Red, - can only access from the Hass.io, OPEN WEB UI
- TasmoAdmin(aka SonWEB), - can only access from the Hass.io, OPEN WEB UI
I can not access 4,5, & 6, from the Side Menu. I"m overlooking something, just can’t see it.
This is what I have for the code in the DuckDNS Addon:
"lets_encrypt": {
"accept_terms": true,
"certfile": "fullchain.pem",
"keyfile": "privkey.pem"
"token": "Cut & Pasted from Directly DuckDNS",
"domains": [
And this is what I have in the Hassio Config.yaml file:
api_password: !secret ha_api_pwd
base_url: !secret ha_base_url1
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
ip_ban_enabled: true
login_attempts_threshold: 5
And this is what I have for panel_iframe,
title: Configurator
icon: mdi:wrench
url: "https://192.168.xxx.yyy:3218"
title: Node-RED Flows
icon: mdi:nodejs
url: "https://192.168.xxx.yyy:1880"
title: TasmoAdmin
icon: mdi:lightbulb-on
url: "https://192.168.xxx.yyy:9541"
When I try run Configurator from the side menu, I get a square sad face icon, with the following message,
"192.168.xxx.yyy sent an invalid response."
When I try run Node Red or TasmoAdmin, from the side menu, I get the square sad face icon, with the following message,
"The webpage at https://192.168.xxx.yyy:zzzz/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address."
with the appropriate ports.
From everything that I read, the above configs, should work, what am I missing???