Need help with Function / Call Service nodes

I have a flow (created by others) that notifies an Alexa device when someone comes home and opens the inside garage door. I want to also add a Call Service node to notify my mobile device, but I can’t seem to make it work. Can someone help with this?

[{"id":"51c610b6a43ef6e7","type":"function","z":"27ee47cde114b49d","name":"Create message","func":"/** CONFIGURATION **/\n\n// These are the persons you want to include in the greeting.\nlet persons_whitelist = ['person.a', 'person.b', 'person.c', 'person.d'];\n\n// A random greeting will be played every time.\nlet r_greet = [\"Welcome home \", \"Welcome home \", \"Welcome home \", \"Welcome home \", \"Welcome home \"];\n\n/** Optional: Localization\n *  If you create a new localization, you can share it in the comments! **/\nlet l10n = {\n  \"is\": \"is\",\n  \"are\": \"are\",\n  \"and\": \"and\",\n  \"xyz_is_also_home\": (others, is_are) => others + \" \" + is_are + \" also at home. \",\n  \"since\": \"since\",\n  \"just_now\": \"just now\",\n  \"one_minute\": \"one minute\",\n  \"x_minutes\": (minutes) => minutes + \" minutes\",\n  \"one_hour\": \"one hour\",\n  \"x_hours\": (hours) => hours + \" hours\",\n  \"one_day\": \"one day\",\n  \"x_days\": (days) => days + \" days\",\n  \"away_text\": (persons_with_time) => smart_join( => pwt[0] + \" left \" + pwt[1] + \" ago\")),\n  \"final_text\": (text) => hour >= 0 && hour < 6 ? \"<amazon:effect name='whispered'>\" + text + \"</amazon:effect>\" : text\n}\n\n\n/** Optional: Relations. Replace a name for a person. E.g.: Call Peter \"Dad\" for the kids */\nlet relations = {\n  \"person.a\": {\n    \"person.b\": \"b\",\n    \"person.c\": \"c\",\n    \"person.d\": \"d\",\n    \"person.a_a\": \".\",\n  },\n  \"person.b\": {\n    \"person.a\": \"a\",\n    \"person.c\": \"c\",\n    \"person.d\": \"d\",\n    \"person.a_a\": \".\",\n  },\n  \"person.c\": {\n    \"person.a\": \"a\",\n    \"person.b\": \"b\",\n    \"person.d\": \"d\",\n    \"person.a_a\": \".\",\n  },\n  \"person.d\": {\n    \"person.a\": \"a\",\n    \"person.b\": \"b\",\n    \"person.c\": \"c\",\n    \"person.a_a\": \".\",\n  },\n}\n\n/** END CONFIGURATION.\n *  You don't have to change anything below, but if you have a great idea on\n *  how to improve this, please write a comment to share it with us! */\n\n// Join the array to a string separated by commas except the last, which gets replaced by \"and\".\nfunction smart_join(arr) { return arr.join(', ').replace(/, ([^,]*)$/, ' ' + l10n[\"and\"] + ' $1'); }\n\n// convert a Date object into a relative time\nfunction relative_time(time_value) {\n  var parsed_date = Date.parse(time_value);\n  var relative_to = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : new Date();\n  var delta = parseInt((relative_to.getTime() - parsed_date) / 1000);\n\n  if (delta < 60) {\n    return l10n[\"just_now\"];\n  } else if (delta < 120) {\n    return l10n[\"one_minute\"];\n  } else if (delta < (60 * 60)) {\n    return l10n[\"x_minutes\"](parseInt(delta / 60).toString());\n  } else if (delta < (120 * 60)) {\n    return l10n[\"one_hour\"];\n  } else if (delta < (24 * 60 * 60)) {\n    return l10n[\"x_hours\"](parseInt(delta / 3600).toString());\n  } else if (delta < (48 * 60 * 60)) {\n    return l10n[\"one_day\"]\n  } else {\n    return l10n[\"x_days\"](parseInt(delta / 86400).toString());\n  }\n}\n\n// The arriver is the person that just came home\nlet arriver =;\nlet arriver_name =;\n\nlet hour = new Date().getHours();\nlet home = [];\nlet away = [];\n\n// Get all persons that are home excluding the arriver\nfor (var i = 0; i < msg.payload.length; i++) {\n  let current = msg.payload[i];\n  if (current.entity_id != arriver) {\n\n    // Rewrite names for special relations\n    var other_name = (relations[arriver] || {})[current.entity_id] || current.attributes.friendly_name;\n\n    if (current.state == \"home\") {\n      home.push(other_name);\n    } else if (persons_whitelist.includes(current.entity_id)) {\n      away.push([other_name, relative_time(current.last_changed), current.last_changed]);\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n// Sort by away time (untested)\naway = away.sort(a => a[2]);\n\n// Create the message\n\n// Get a random greeting from r_greet\nlet greet = r_greet[Math.floor(Math.random() * r_greet.length)];\nlet is_are = home.length == 1 ? l10n[\"is\"] : l10n[\"are\"];\nlet others = smart_join(home);\n\nlet text = greet + arriver_name + \". \";\n\n// Just tell who is home when there is actually someone home\nif (home.length > 0) {\n  text += l10n[\"xyz_is_also_home\"](others, is_are);\n}\n\n// Just tell who is away when there is actually someone away\nif (away.length > 0) {\n  text += l10n[\"away_text\"](away);\n}\n\ = {\n  message: l10n[\"final_text\"](text)\n};\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":1060,"y":140,"wires":[["3001f1f6685c5ea8","3e917387888e2695"]]}]