Dear Homeassistant communitie
i am a former Domoticz user (almost 10 years now) and going to make the jump to Home assistant ,@ the moment i have Domoticz and Homeassistant running @ the same time and looking what switches and other stuff can directly be inserted into home assistant (home assistant is running in proxmox)
i have in my barn a Net-relay V5.7 running , that operates mij Garden lichts
but i have a little trouble intergrate it in home assistant
can someone give me a push in the right direction?
With Kind Regards

If it can’t be connected into home assistant then I mast search for a replacement instead of searching how to connect the device
i have made some progress for others out there,
the board is also known as ZMRN0808-V5
now i try to intergrate it with the command line platform but i think i made a mistake?
- platform: command_line
unique_id: netrelay2
#name: netrelay2
command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?saida1on=on"
command_off: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?saida1off=off"
- platform: command_line
unique_id: netrelay2
#name: netrelay2
command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?saida2on=on"
command_off: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?saida2off=off"