Need help with the Scrape sensor


I have been trying to scrape the artist and title from several radio websites in order to display them in my dashboard, but I don’t get it to work: the value of the sensor is always “unknown”.

What I did based on what I have read is copy the selector from the website:

And put them in the following sensors (2 different sites tested, with and without quotes around the url):

  - platform: scrape
    name: "Q-Music Title"
    resource: ""
    select: "#player-insertion-fixed > div > div > div > div.c-player__track > section > main > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div.o-playlist__content > h3"

  - platform: scrape
    name: "Q-Music Artist"
    resource: ""
    select: "#player-insertion-fixed > div > div > div > div.c-player__track > section > main > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div.o-playlist__content > p"

  - platform: scrape
    name: "Nostalgie 80 Title"
    resource: ""
    select: "body > div.player > div.player__main > div > div > div > div > div.player-main__row > div.player-main__col-right > div > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div.player-playlist__col-text > div.player-playlist__text-name"

  - platform: scrape
    name: "Nostalgie 80 Artist"
    resource: ""
    select: "body > div.player > div.player__main > div > div > div > div > div.player-main__row > div.player-main__col-right > div > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div.player-playlist__col-text"

I get the sensor, but no value

What am I doing wrong?

Given that the two first are html pages then the values are probably filled in with javascript (or jquery) and those values are not possible to scrape.

And scraping often enough to get artists on radio will probably get your IP banned.

Makes sense.
Too bad, I thought it would have been a nice feature on my media player.