Hey im from Sweden, i want help with coding a ticktick task component that can check and add tasks and a proxmox ve that can check status of machines and start / stop machines and a docker status and docker management for restarting, on and off the containers
I should be more than happier if someone can code these things too me
do you want someone to code this for you, or help getting started with coding? (for the latter one, the dev docs are pretty good)
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I want someone too code it for me and i want to learn coding when I have time for it
I think youβre going to have to put in more effort or throw down some $$ if you want this to happen.
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okey should probobly do that
im trying to do the same thing maybe we can work together and make it work trying to make a switch for it here what i have and also https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_VE_API
- platform: command_line
command_on: "curl -k -b -XDELETE -H "CSRFPreventionToken: 5C56897F:sPwmJm6MYmZdEZfkaQNTLlG2/IE" -H "PVEAuthCookie=PVE%3Aroot@Mykey" -X POST ''"
command_off: "curl -XDELETE -H "CSRFPreventionToken: 5C56897F:sPwmJm6MYmZdEZfkaQNTLlG2/IE" -k -b "PVEAuthCookie=PVE%3Aroot@Mykey" -X POST ''"
command_state: "curl -XDELETE -H "CSRFPreventionToken: 5C56897F:sPwmJm6MYmZdEZfkaQNTLlG2/IE" -k -b "PVEAuthCookie=PVE%3Aroot@Mykey" -X POST ''"
value_template: "{{ value_json.data.qmpstatus == running }}"
- platform: rest
resource: http://IP_ADDRESS/led_endpoint
body_on: '{"active": "true"}'
body_off: '{"active": "false"}'
is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
content-type: application/json
CSRFPreventionToken: "5C56897F:sPwmJm6MYmZdEZfkaQNTLlG2/IE"
Cookie: "PVEAuthCookie=PVE%3Aroot@Mykey"
json output for