Nest Integration - Failed to create Device Access Project ID

I have been following the instruction below to prepare for Nest → HA integration, paid the $5 by following the instruction, but at the last step Events: I enabled it and provided a topic ID. There is a window pops up stated:
Device Access could not publish into the PubSub topic

Device Access service cannot publish messages into the specified PubSub topic. Verify that [email protected] has the PubSub Publisher role in the PubSub topic. Make sure you have followed the prerequisites in the documentation (link)

I am stuck and how did you create Device Access Project ID?

Instruction that I followed to integrate Nest to HA:

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Not sure if it’s related (or helpful to you :wink: but my Google Nest thermostat integration stopped working as of this morning. I had it up and running for the last week. I’m just starting with home assistant. I haven’t had time to look into the error.
Will update here if I have anything useful to add.

Update: I had to re-authorize the Google Nest Integration. I only got this option/suggestion in home assistant via a notification after I had ‘published’ my project on Google Cloud. Changing from testing to published. And after I went here to set ‘Experation’ to ‘never’. Pfffff…

I’m stuck at the same point , it’s so complicated, this is my second attempt:( no idea how to fix this , google’s help is stupidly complicated to try & fix this.
Update : hours later & still no further, seems related to a permissions being an editor of the pubsub topic as well as owner, google gives the same error “ Device Access service cannot publish messages into the specified PubSub topic. Verify that [email protected] has the PubSub publisher role in the PubSub topic. Make sure that you have followed the prerequisites in the documentation” I’ve tried to look for this info but I can’t see how to change the publisher role.

same here.

I am trying to integrate Nest for the first time today and I am also running into this same issue.

Glad I’m not the only one, I have tried it 3 times now with no luck

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So now hope someone knows how to work around… Think most of us are quite new… at least to speak for myself, I need a pretty fool proof instruction :wink:

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Thanks for chiming in , I am surprised that many of you have the same issue.

Missing AC control (expect to access & control nest thermostats in HA), will miss quite a portion of home automation. Hope that there is a solution for our situation and I don’t need to change the thermostat to HA compatible one.

Me too, trouble is the instructions that are out there are all now useless because something has changed.

Any news on this? Unfortunately I’m having the same issue.