Nest Thermostat Controls Don't Work in v0.34.4

Total newb here. Having problems with the Nest platform ever since v0.34. As far as I can tell I’ve successfully set up a nest dev. account. Nest thermostat was working fine with v0.33 but after re-configuring for v0.34.4, the fan control (and temps) appear in the climate panel, but have no affect. Any advice/suggestions?

Relevant log entry:
homeassistant.components.binary_sensor: Error while setting up platform nest


  1. Installed python and Hass for the 1st time a little over 3 weeks ago - so this is totally new to me
  2. Receive a “Platform not found: fan.nest” error when I try to setup the fan as per docs:
  • platform: nest
  1. In case its relevant, I had to manually install the pywemo extension. Not sure why.

There is a new way to set up the nest. See the instructions here:

Hi. Thanks for the quick response.
Yes I’m aware of the nest configuration changes and in fact, made the required changes to my Hass configuration files based on the documentation available. And as far as I can tell, I have properly set up a product as a nest developer. In fact the nest developer site shows one user connected to my product.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it before but I’m running Windows 7 64-bit, and python 32-bit. I was originally running python 64-bit, but switched over to 32 bit python as part of the debug process to eliminate this issue.

Thanks again for your help.

This issue was NOT corrected in v0.34.5