Netatmo CO2 alarm with yeelight

I’m running Home Assistant 2021.11.5 and I want to have 1 automation triggered by passing 900 co2 value provided by Netatmo indoor station powering on 1 yeelight bulb but I don’t know why is not working. Checking other topics and still same problem. When I run this automation manually it doesn’t matter what value I have from netatmo, light will switch on. After 1 week i lost my hope. Can someone guide me please ?

alias: New Automation
description: ’ ’

  • platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.netatmo_home_indoor_co2
    above: ‘900’
  • condition: sun
    after: sunrise
    before: sunset
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: 17fe9b476b1f03c7bd71d08fc83a2d7f
    entity_id: light.yeelight_color_0x7e3bf7f
    domain: light
    brightness_pct: 99
    mode: single

Manual automation skips the trigger and conditions check, so its either one of those :slight_smile:

validate yaml:

mode: single
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.netatmo_home_indoor_co2
    above: '900'
  - condition: sun
    before: sunset
    after: sunrise
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.yeelight_color_0x7e3bf7f

then there is one more, does co2 value start below 900 and rises above? you can see history value confirmation?
if it rises above 900 before sunrise, this thing wont trigger.

CO2 can be for example 890 after sunrise let’s assume.
So 21:00 PM is 890 and at 21:30 is 950.
Anyway I don’t get how can I make it to act in that moment. For first try I don’t care about time.
if is 21:00 PM and CO2 is 900 when this value is 901 let’s say to trigger light notification. Something like this