Netatmo server not reachable

Starting this morning at 4am for some reason all my Netatmo thermostats look they are not connected.
Both Netatmo integration and Netatmo app can login to the account but they don’t get data from the thermostats.
I login online on Netatmo Website, I could login but all thermostats result offline.
Does anyone experience something similar?
I know it is not a HA problem but just to know it is only my problem.
BTW: They are working fine locally.


i think they have problems (again). it looks like their servers have the issues. i dont think its a problem on your site. i have the same (and had the same in the past) that my climate entitiies arent working. it tells me “relais not reachable”.

wait for some hours and it should work again.

Can confirm a server down… Netatmo storing? Actuele storingen en problemen | Allestoringen
And: Netatmo bug? Lopende problemen en storingen (

Now, everything is fine. The Netatmo servers are online again.