Hi all,
i plane to get a HA green device (a raspberypi comming with HA installed and an RJ45 port).
At home i do not have any Internet Service Provider box to plug the RJ45 (i’m sharing the 4g connection from my android smartphone to surf on internet).
I understound the HA green can works over wifi instead of RJ45 but it’s not recommended (for security reason i guess).
Do you how i could connect the HA green device in this configuration ?
i though to use a wifi repeter because i saw some having an RJ45 port to connect smart tv by example, but i’m not sure if a wifi repeter can repete the Wifi acess point of my Android smartphone. In this config i could use the repeter to act as a switch for the HA green.
I also looked to share the smartphone connection over ethernet using a usb c to ethernet RJ45 adapter, but i’m not sure if my android version support this since i don’t see this option on my phone (in only see sharing over USB, or bluethooth). My android version is 11 + MIUI 12.5.8 (the Redmi top layer).
A HA Green is not a raspberry pi, whatever makes you think so.
Most importantly: What do you plan to do with HA? Unless you plan to do purely Zigbee / ZWave (and the HA Green does’nt come with adapters for those out-of-the-box), HA is pretty much pointless if you cannot communicate with your local devices…
Thanks for your input, i had no idea that celular rooter exsits, i could use it instead of using my android phone and benefit from the RJ45 port !
Looks like an handy solution.
ok, with your help i have a better view of the context :
to remote control my house i need a fixed IP adresse which is not avalble with a standard sim card. So i would have to use a M2M (machine to machine) sim card (provide fixed IP) or develop my own android app to have a kind of gateway.
Both solutions bother me, i will give-up the remote control from anywhere, i don’t really need this.
So my updated need is quite simple and maybe i don’t have the need of HA at all ?
i guess there is some app to control and automates things from and android app (via blue thooth or wifi) ? This way i wont even need a domotic box / gateway i guess.