Network architecture with HA Green and without Internet service provider

Hi all,
i plane to get a HA green device (a raspberypi comming with HA installed and an RJ45 port).
At home i do not have any Internet Service Provider box to plug the RJ45 (i’m sharing the 4g connection from my android smartphone to surf on internet).
I understound the HA green can works over wifi instead of RJ45 but it’s not recommended (for security reason i guess).

Do you how i could connect the HA green device in this configuration ?

i though to use a wifi repeter because i saw some having an RJ45 port to connect smart tv by example, but i’m not sure if a wifi repeter can repete the Wifi acess point of my Android smartphone. In this config i could use the repeter to act as a switch for the HA green.

I also looked to share the smartphone connection over ethernet using a usb c to ethernet RJ45 adapter, but i’m not sure if my android version support this since i don’t see this option on my phone (in only see sharing over USB, or bluethooth). My android version is 11 + MIUI 12.5.8 (the Redmi top layer).

I’m interested by your experience and advices.

best regards

If you only can have a cellular connection at your location I would say a cellular router with LAN ports and wifi would be the best option.

A HA Green is not a raspberry pi, whatever makes you think so.

Most importantly: What do you plan to do with HA? Unless you plan to do purely Zigbee / ZWave (and the HA Green does’nt come with adapters for those out-of-the-box), HA is pretty much pointless if you cannot communicate with your local devices…

hi, thanks for your points.
I plan to use it with zigbee devices only (i will have to buy the dongle), my goal is to be able to :

  • To automate some logic :
  1. control a smart plug only during the night to save money while charging my electric uniclycles and heat the watter in the boiller.
  2. control two heaters in the living room so the temperature is adapted depending on the hours of the day (less hot during the night by exemple)
  • To remote control the hearters (adjust temperature) and boiler (turn it on or off) using my smarphone from anywhere.

maybe you have other option to propose to reach my goal.

You would need to look into CG-NAT, it usually complicates remote connections.

Thanks for your input, i had no idea that celular rooter exsits, i could use it instead of using my android phone and benefit from the RJ45 port !
Looks like an handy solution.

ok, with your help i have a better view of the context :
to remote control my house i need a fixed IP adresse which is not avalble with a standard sim card. So i would have to use a M2M (machine to machine) sim card (provide fixed IP) or develop my own android app to have a kind of gateway.
Both solutions bother me, i will give-up the remote control from anywhere, i don’t really need this.

So my updated need is quite simple and maybe i don’t have the need of HA at all ?
i guess there is some app to control and automates things from and android app (via blue thooth or wifi) ? This way i wont even need a domotic box / gateway i guess.

I’ve never used servers / appllications behind CG-NAT myself, but you could take a look at this video and see if Nabu Casa is something you could use.

You can have remote access with Tailscale. You don’t need a fix IP.

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