Hello Dear people, I have a question about my network settings of my Hassio configuration.
I have enjoyed using Home assistant for many years, but recently I ran into a problem that I know how to deal with.
Recently my internet connection was lost, in itself this should not be a problem because my wireless network in home was just as business.
Now I noticed that I could no longer connect to Hassio either. After a bit of research I noticed that I was trying to connect through my duck dns connection. So always via the internet. Now I recently also saw a notification in my hassio configuration
"You have configured an HTTPS certificate in Home Assistant. This means that your internal URL must be set to a domain covered by the certificate "
My local network is set up like this : http://192--------
I already tried to make Https out of this, but this didn’t help, or should I enter my duck dns address here?
When you have https enabled inside home assistant, you cannot access it securely using http anymore. Some browsers would still allow you to access over http but companion app will not.
if you want to keep http internally and https for external access, you can use reverse proxy add-on.
I’m not interested in continuing to use http. I want to be able to use my hassio when I don’t have internet. That won’t work for now, and i don’t know what i’m doing.
Do I also have to enter my duck dns with my internal ip address for hassio?
Cool, you can use it locally on the browser but not in the mobile app.
if you want to use in mobile app, remove https from home assistant and setup a reverse proxy server. Reverse proxy will take care https and you will use it over http locally