Network device sleep problem

a few days ago i have installed on a raspberry (pi 2) HA. On the same network i have a Synology NAS. From the day that i have started HA the NAS can not go to sleep mode. Probably there is a service that ping it everytime. I’ve already try to comment (so disable) the discovery service with no result. So i think that there is another service that ping all device for check the status (or something similar). The question is: there is a solution for disable this service on an IP address? Someone have another solution or know what is the problem?

What components do you use?

Can you explain sleep to me? How do you know synlogy sleep or not? Where are you checking for this?

It’s a clean install of HASSIO. No component added. For sleep i mean that this NAS After some time go in low Power mode. No led, no fan. And when someone call it, It wake up.

Turn off Discovery and see if that helps.

As i wrote…