Hi all,
I love homeassistant and its addons. I’ve actually created my own repository where both I created my own addons (mostly a shell around linuxserver images), or cloned current addons (with proper reference) when I wanted more updated versions. However, I got frustrated with maintenance so I created an addon to automatically update the addons based on github upstream new releases.
Addon : hassio-addons/addons_updater at master · alexbelgium/hassio-addons (github.com)
How it works :
- In my repo, the addon version corresponds to the upstream version tag “ex : v1.0.5-ls23”. The dockerfile pulls the image that corresponds to this tag using the $BUILD_VERSION tag. The rest of the build url is described per architecture in the build.json. That way, I only need to update the addon version to update the image from which the addon is built
- I created an addon that compares the addon version with the latest releases on github. If there is a new version, it updates the “versions” tag in “config.json” then uploads it to github.
- An automation allows for the addon to run daily and update all configured addons.
The addon configuration :
- slug: the exact slug name from your repo
beta: true/false ; should it look only for releases or also prereleases
fulltag: true is for example "v3.0.1-ls67" false is "3.0.1" ; depends if you want more frequent updates or not
repository: 'name/repo' coming from github, example is "alexbelgium/hassio-addons"
upstream: 'name/repo', example is "linuxserver/docker-emby"
gituser: your github username
gituser: your github email
gitpass: add your github password here, or a specific key if you have two factor identification enabled
gitapi: if you want to make many requests to github, you can set your API key
I’m interested in any other ideas or how to make the code better!
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Logic update : the addon now pulls the current version from an {upstream} tag that is both in the config.json (manually added) and the Dockerfile. It compares this upstream tag with the latest release of the github from the upstream repo, and updates it if needed. The {version} tag is updated at the same time as the {upstream}, however is not used in the dockerfile. This allows to increment the version without changing the upstream image pulled, in case of need for updates between upstream new releases.
For examples, see in my repo (illustration with nextcloud hassio-addons/nextcloud at master · alexbelgium/hassio-addons · GitHub)
- Reference upstream image without version in build.conf
"armhf": "linuxserver/nextcloud:arm32v7-version-",
- Add upstream tag in config.json
"version": "21.0.1",
"upstream": "21.0.1",
- Add upstream tag in dockerfile with ARG exemple
- Configure the addon options to reference the slug, base repo and upstream repo, whether to use beta versions, and fulltag or not
- slug: nextcloud
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-nextcloud
gituser: alexbelgium
gitpass: MYPASS
gitmail: MYMAIL
verbose: 'false'
gitapi: MYAPI
- Create an automation to run the addon each night
This allows all my addons in my repo to update daily and always in sync with upstream !
I’m sorry, what does this do again? Update addons from your repo? I feel the language is needlessly obtuse. Also, what’s a github slug? I see the example is for the Nextcloud addon, does this mean we have to manually enter this info for each addon separately?
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Hi, thanks for your interest!
This addon is a tool for anyone developing addons (me included), to update automatically your github repo containing the addons you are developing when a new version is released of the app contained in your addon.
It verifies the latest release of a github repo, and compare it with the current version of an addon. If the latest release is different than the addon version, it updates the addon code to match version.
- SLUG is the short name of the addon, as defined in the config.yaml (see HA documentation here)
- BETA, when true, also includes beta releases when checking upstream versions
- FULLTAG, when true, fetches the complete upstream version tag (example : v1.2-5dev), when false fetches a simplified version (example: 1.2)
- Repository: your github repo where addons are stored, you need to have write access
- Upstream: the github repo to check for releases
Here is my options yaml when running this addon:
- slug: bazarr
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-bazarr
- slug: bitwarden
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs
- slug: cloudcommander
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: coderaiser/cloudcmd
- slug: code-server
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-code-server
- slug: doublecommander
beta: false
fulltag: true
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-doublecommander
- slug: emby
beta: true
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-emby
- slug: filebrowser
beta: true
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: hurlenko/filebrowser-docker
- slug: flexget
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: flexget/flexget
- slug: inadyn
beta: true
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: troglobit/inadyn
- slug: jackett
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-jackett
- slug: jellyfin
beta: false
fulltag: true
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-jellyfin
- slug: joal
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: anthonyraymond/joal
- slug: joplin
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: laurent22/joplin
- slug: mealie
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: hay-kot/mealie
- slug: nextcloud
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-nextcloud
- slug: ombi
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-ombi
- slug: organizr
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: causefx/organizr
- slug: papermerge
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-papermerge
- slug: piwigo
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-piwigo
- slug: plex
beta: false
fulltag: true
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-plex
- slug: portainer
beta: false
fulltag: false
having_asset: true
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: portainer/portainer
- slug: prowlarr
beta: true
fulltag: true
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-prowlarr
- slug: qbittorrent
beta: false
fulltag: true
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-qbittorrent
- slug: radarr
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-radarr
- slug: resiliosync
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-resilio-sync
- slug: sonarr
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-sonarr
- slug: transmission
beta: false
fulltag: true
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-transmission
- slug: ubooquity
beta: false
fulltag: false
repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
upstream: linuxserver/docker-ubooquity
gituser: your github username
gitpass: your github password
gitmail: your github email
verbose: 'false'
gitapi: optional, it is the API key from your github repo
To make sure to be perfectly clear, this is only an helper tool for developers. End users don’t need that to update their addons - they are automatically alerted by HA when an update is available
Oh, right! I was wondering if 3rd-party repos need an extra tool for updates. Not for me then
I was looking at ways to update the Mealie addon from your awesome repo. It’s kinda lagging, the addon has version 0.4.3 and there’s already 0.5.2.
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Ah… That’s because you’re probably using an armv7 system (like rpi3) : Mealie has stopped supporting armv7! The more recent versions only support armv8 or x64… if you installed the addon on an armv8 or x64 system you would receive the version 0.5.2…
This can be seen here : Docker Hub the Mealie developer stopped providing armv7 images since version 0.4.3…
And thanks for the kind feedback on my repo 
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It’s a Rpi4, isn’t that ARM8?
It depends which version of HA os you installed 32 or 64 bits… I think both versions can be installed on a rpi4 as can be seen here : Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant
Thanks, it’s probably 32bit IIRC but I haven’t found a way to tell in HassOS. Commands such as lscpu aren’t available.
The easiest way is to check the log of a starting addon. In most addons (at least official, community, and most of my addons) there is an initial text that states how your system is interpreted by HA. another way could be by using the terminal addon
Or in Configuration. > Infos
Yea, the log reports “Machine model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1” and “ARMv7 Processor [410fd083] revision 3 (ARMv7), cr=30c5383d”, so I gather it’s probably 32bit.
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