New Aqara Human Presence Sensor FP1

Hi, Mihai! I’ve got the same problem with one of my Aqara FP1. It blinks twice on power connection and thats all… no respond for reset button, no respond to zigbee dongle. Have you fixed yourth unit?

Unfortunately not. And since then another unit failed in te same way. I had a ticket opened with Aqara but they weren’t able to find a solution. Obviously the AliExpress shop is closed. :smiley:

Last month I got word of an initial region basic tweak, which you can install manually and being initial not very user friendly. Has anyone already tried this out? I installed it as external converter which was easy but had not time to check in detail how the regions are organized/working

[Feature request]: Support Aqara FP1 Regions · Issue #13711 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt (

I have 4 of these and i pair them via ZHA but none of them have any sensors, they all have this strange UNK_MANUFACTURER and UNK_MODEL. Has anyone ever seen this.

Regions are now supported in the master branch of Zigbee2MQTT version 1.30.0 and above.

Here’s a guide of setting them up

Github discussion

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I gave in and installed zigbee2mqtt just to test the zones (I much prefer zha when possible).
I declared 9 zones in a grid and set up some trigger based sensors and it’s amazing to see the status of each zone :slight_smile:


I have created the following zones:

And created the following trigger based sensors:

  - trigger:
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"1\" }}"
      - name: fp1_z1
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}          
        unique_id: 59a6d5e5-1b4e-4b04-9be1-59cb41737626
  - trigger:
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"2\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z2
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}     
        unique_id: a619e2cb-f40a-428f-a305-0a3f1afaac1b        
  - trigger:
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"3\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z3
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}       
        unique_id: 22c083d6-dd0f-4b09-afce-d8fe3cefe12f 
  - trigger:
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"4\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z4
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}      
        unique_id: 6966ddb4-f0e6-43c8-9cba-fa40a768877c 
  - trigger:
     - platform: template
       value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"5\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z5
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}        
        unique_id: c050026b-f71d-4cbe-bd13-6436d9683e71 
  - trigger:
     - platform: template
       value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"6\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z6
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}        
        unique_id: ebb48237-7a3f-4f8b-8fec-cd653bbe7ee8   
  - trigger:
     - platform: template
       value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"7\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z7
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}        
        unique_id: 7122e0a6-f393-4ce2-aa6e-c0b05f1cea50   
  - trigger:
     - platform: template
       value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"8\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z8
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}        
        unique_id: 625320f2-2b91-48b1-8a12-fb42601b6ff5   
  - trigger:
     - platform: template
       value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_action').split('_')[1] == \"9\" }}" 
      - name: fp1_z9
        state: >
          {{ trigger.to_state.state }}        
        unique_id: ee007468-da7e-4f98-9c82-a7924a5c871d   

And then added the following dashboard:

  - theme: Backend-selected
    title: fp1
    path: fp1
    type: panel
    badges: []
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z9
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z6
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z3
              - entity: binary_sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_presence
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z8
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z5
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z2
              - entity: sensor.0x54ef44100075f4ed_presence_event
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z7
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z4
              - entity: sensor.fp1_z1


To my knowledge the FP1 only works in Zigbee2MQTT and not ZHA due to the region support. You can have both Zigbee2MQTT and ZHA running at the same time but it requires 2 ZigBee adapters which is how I’m running it.

Since I got the SkyConnect and it looks like ZHA is going to be the preferred method going forward, at least from a development stand point, I moved everything over to ZHA accept a few devices like the FP1 and 3 other devices that I use MQTT with so I’m running a conbee for Zigbee2MQTT and a SkyConnect for ZHA and it works with zero issues and they have zero issues communicating and it didn’t break any automations. All my lights that are in ZHA work perfectly with the FP1 which is in Zigbee2MQTT for my automations.

Do you know if there’s any way you can make it ignore a region and do nothing? That has been my only issue with mmwave sensors, if I forget to turn my ceiling fan off then my automations don’t work for obvious reasons.

I think this is badly needed for MmWave because sometimes there are moving parts in the area that you either can’t control or want to leave on like my ceiling fan being an example. Pets are obviously a no go with MmWave: )

Don’t think there is a native way of doing that.
You can try and create a region around your fan and use the “actions sensor” to create a template sensor only for your desired region.

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FP1 works in zha too. But in my case if I have more than then one sensor in zha it becomes very unstable and seems like sensors are getting stuck on detecting.
As soon as I have only one sensor in zha everything works great. Not sure if the problem is with zha or with my device.
So I migrated two of my three sensors to z2m and now all my three sensors are working seamlessly. And I have region support for two of my sensors.
I’ll keep my setup like this for a few weeks to confirm the stability before deciding on my final solution.

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Thanks! Good to know. I have a feeling the FP2 will work much better in ZHA since it’s being released globally and isn’t isolated to China but at the same time I’m waiting for my presence one but now that zones work in Z2M I am going to have to play around with those to see what I can get working.

I do hope at some point you can ignore certain areas with the best example being a ceiling fan, at least in my case because if I leave and forget to turn it off my automations don’t work granted I can always run the script the automations runs remotely but the point of automations is not having to do that. My only issue with mmwave is it’s too sensitive, even on the lowest settings.

I also ordered 7 HLK-LD2410B’s so I’m going to see how those work. For 3 dollars a piece and 7 for 15 bucks it’s hard not to see how they can’t be implemented in some way as they work over BT and are amazingly easy to setup. I just wish I could justify a 3d printer. They don’t expose as many entities as the FP1 but still 3 bucks a pop it was hard to pass up, especially because of BT proxies working in HA now there aren’t area constraints due to BT range restrictions.

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Just FYI, I have 6 FP1 sensors running on ZHA (same adapter) and I don’t have any issues with the sensors.

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recently bought 3 of this sensor last year december, one thing for sure is this sensor is pain to setup. well in short, the main pointers here is how it was placed and make sure that all objects that the sensor is pointed to is not moving, so that means avoid curtains, avoid electric fan, avoid analog wall clock. etc… but once you got the sensor in placed, its works really well and never failed for me… yet. though that literally took me about 6 hours to setup just for the single room ffs!

I still have 2 of the sensor yet to be installed but after I checked z2m for updates, regions is finally supported. installed another one in living room at the ceiling and damn… this literally makes 4 PIR sensors in living room obsolete and its very responsive.

still 1 sensor left to be installed which im planning to install in bathroom but yet to find a time to do it.

I only got into this FP1 sensor once they finally got cheaper at least here in South East Asia on markets like shopee or lazada, which this sensor only cost like 1500pesos, around 30 freedom dollars. that’s cheaper than a hue pir sensor!

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Just installed 2 more of these. Now have 4 of them running in ZHA without issue. Took about 30 seconds to pair the new ones today.

With the regions setup, you should (?!) be able to detect false movements, I donot have such situation so cannot confirm

well that’s the problem. I dont have aqara hub so I cant use regions to detect the issues, only recently with z2m update that I can finally use it to spot which are the culprit ones.

though I hope someone can make some sort of yamlgotchi script (or maybe a dedicated addon for fp1) that can split all 10 regions with their own entity rather than relying one action entity alone.

Although I too would like to have something pre-packaged, not everyone will have the same ‘region’ as there are a lot (!) more combination than 10.

Some new details about the FP2, sounds very interesting.
Perhaps we can finally use mmwave in rooms with pets?

Looking at the images for regions, it appears they are designed to be used for areas in front of the device.

The most common issue I hear of with these are ceiling fans.
Is there a way to configure regions on a vertical axis rather than a horizontal one?


just got my new FP1 and tied to add it to my Z2M but all I get is that the device us unsupported.

Any advice what I can do?

Thank you!