New Device not showing in Editor

I added a brand new device that I bought pre flashed with ESP Home. While it does show up in HomeAssistant under the ESP home Integration, it does not show up in the ESP Home Editor.
What do I need to do to have it show up in the editor?

ESPHome add-on has no knowledge of the device until you create the yaml for it. It cannot read the yaml from the device - all that is on the device is the compiled code.

Did the yaml source come with the device you bought? If so you can add a new device using that code - ensure the name matches that discovered in HA integrations.

Thank you so much for the quick feedback. it did come with a yaml. It’s an Athom device (8ch relays board). Previous devices were “auto discovered” if I remember correctly, as shown in green this screenshot from the es-home docs

I’ll try this approach of simply creating a yaml for it. thanks!

so I tried this, and updated the name property in the yaml to match what’s showing up.

this however leads to the error:

Hostnames can only be 24 characters long.
name: athom-relay-board-x8-24310a

if I leave it at default, it’s not finding the (wrong) hostname in the network.

I can access the devices Webserver and manually upload a new firmware. can I find the esphome compiled firmware somewhere and manually upload it?

No. So I am not sure what triggers the adopt prompt - there is a page in the ESPHome doc about it but not much detail. Maybe the long name is what is stopping it adopting?

But you should be able to create a new device with a compliant name and compile the yaml, then load it onto the device with the new name. You will have to delete the old integration.

Maybe you should speak to the seller as to why it’s not appearing in the adopt list.

ok. I got it working! I created a yaml as you suggested, then used the “download” option for install instead of wireless. then found the address of the device through my router, opened it’s http UI and used the update firmware function there.

now esp home is showing the device as online and I can OTA update it from there. thanks!

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For the record I had to do exactly the same for the Athome plugs

I’m obviously missing something here.

You bought a device which was already flashed with ESPHome firmware. Since you don’t have its YAML file loaded into your local ESPHome directory, it didn’t show up on your ESPHome list. But you could connect to it via HTTP directly to its web interface. Makes sense so far.

But as @zoogara points out, the YAML which created the firmware the ESP device was shipped with isn’t on the device. So how could you update it without losing whatever programming it came with?

Sorry if this is a dumb question; I’m just curious.

On my Athom plug there is a pretty good template referenced, from memory, on the Athom web site. After the first flash, the only thing I needed to change was the name. I suppose I have no idea whether the new template was similar to the installed version but it performs just as well and has same sensors. This is for my case.

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they have a GitHub repo with all of their devices config files:

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