New Google Location sharing NO COOKIE?

Anyone managed to try this?

How to install?

you has questions?

nice clean formatting. now with more geohash!

because i know you like them grafana apples…

Look’s like you managed to get Google location to work without cach-file?
How should I install this into HA?

eh…not quite. i’m just taking another approach which i think is more consistent and futureproof considering what i’ve read from/about alphabet in regards to tightening up security around account related applications and access.

there’s still cache, but it’s chrome cache. no more stupid separate cookie file which you now have to generate separately and out of band from not only the HA UI, but also the original package.

install depends on your HA install method. right now i’ve got support for manual install and docker. if you’re using docker, there’s a bunch of helper files under the docker branch, but you should probably know what you’re doing as it relates to all that stuff, because i’m not terribly keen on handholding for every unique environment.

at some point i’ll probably turn this into proper package. and see about making it into a docker plugin/container/whatever.

there’s documentation. go read. :wink:

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A sweet! Yep I read the documentation but I am not that familiar with HA yet but I guess I could figure it out. Trying out different trackers at the moment but family use shared Google maps location already and getting a second tracker on the devices is just draining the batteries. Will keep an eye on your project and try to sort the installation out. Using a Rasperry Pie setup for HA.
Thanks for the reply!

be more specific. depending on which rpi model, it could still be either hassbian (is that still a thing?), manual, think the later ones might support hassio. so saying you have HA on a raspberry pi does not help someone trying to get an idea of what your setup looks like. if you’re not sure, then link to the docs you used to get yours set up.

It’s an installation on RPi 3 :slight_smile:

Am a bit in the dark on how to install this solution from @shr00mie is it sufficient to put the files in the right place? When looking at the dependencies I see chrome etc is needed, but I am running a headless Ubuntu NUC…

it’s designed for headless.

haven’t messed around with a NUC specific install. is it more a like manual install or hassio? there’s something i’m missing with the finer points of the hassio install, in which case if the NUC setup falls into that category, then might be a while. if it’s more of a manual install, just make sure google-chrome-stable is installed for your underlying OS.

alpine goodness should be ready sometime today…

Hi, Alex.
What about alpine image?? Really want try your staff. Cookie - wont work.

customized image based on the new HA alpine image has been good to go for a couple weeks. the build script is under the docker branch.

This looks very interesting and I’d love to try it out.

I can’t really understand how to install/setup for hassio in docker.
I’ve tried reading the readme’s in the docker and hassio branches, but the installation:

The store currently has two products to choose from. Ice cream and a magical box (Linux and Docker). We’ll do our best to provide comprehensive instructions on how to get this component working with all documented configurations.

If something is unclear, incomplete, or does not work, let me know.

This is throwing me off… what store? where? I’m not finding anything in the community Add-on store that has gmaps in the name


are you referring to further down in the installation section where there are Ubuntu, CentOS, and Docker sections?
In which case

At the moment, I’ve cobbled together a script which:

  • Create build and config directories.
  • Clone custom component docker branch into build directory.
  • Copy custom_components and deps from build to config directory.
  • Generates a Dockerfile which is basically just the stock homeassistant image with an appended google-chrome-stable install.
  • Generates a sample docker-compose.yaml file with the custom entry.
  • Sets permissions on the directory to be mounted into the HA container.
  • Builds the custom image with a label:tag of hasschrome:latest.

Feel free to modify anything necessary to get this functional. I suspect this will become considerably more streamlined when converted to a proper PiPy package.

isn’t very clear to me.
Where is the script? what’s it named? where do we run it? how?

Maybe i’m not well versed enough to translate this into something that is understandable, can you help the idiot (me) out?

@shr00mie Hiya mate, are you still maintaining this, noticed its not been touched for 6 months?

I’ve been fighting with accurate/timely presence detection since I started with HA a month ago. Tried the official google_maps yesterday with the cookie (annoying!) and managed to get it working but it only updated once on startup then static ever since. Logged into a browser with the account I had shared locations with and it was being updated fine but HA never picks it up.

Deleted the entities etc and tried yours out. Got it installed on my ubuntu box but when I tried to add it into my configuration.yaml as device_tracker: - platform: google_maps I think its conflicting with the (now) built-in google_maps device tracker as it gives an error that password and debug are no longer allowed for that platform.

I tried renaming it to custom_component/google_maps2 and referencing that in my yaml but that didn’t work either, got lots of other errors.

Am I doing something wrong or is it just outdated and no longer works in 0.106.5 ?

Cheers, Sunny

Anyone know if this still works? I am using the cookie method, which seems to require a refresh of the cookies every 2 weeks.



Any chance anyone has a revived version of this approach?