How much am I giving up in functionality with the Docker version versus a dedicated Raspberry Pi setup? Since my NAS is always running, it seems like a natural fit with automation, and it keeps me from having to power another device 24/7.
Now to the Insteon-specific questions:
I’m assuming that I will need to go around and manually discover each of the 42 devices that HA discovered via my Insteon Hub. Is this correct? Or is there an easier way (that involves less time with me walking around the house tablet in hand, staring at all the lights while my family teases me about my interest in home automation)?
What is this: SwitchLinc Relay (Dual-Band) I found in the list of devices? I see my timers, sensors, plug in modules, and other devices, but have no idea what these are.
I have over 30 scenes already run by my Insteon Hub, and as far as I can tell, I can’t access them from HA. Do most Insteon users run dual systems or translate them to HA and delete them on the Hub?
What prompted me to try out HA was my desire to use conditionals and my interest in expanding beyond just Insteon for my automation.
Thanks in advance for any knowledge you can share with me. This looks like it is going to be fun.
So, I’ve answered my first question by ditching the Docker version and creating a virtual machine on my Synology NAS to run the full HA OS. Just having access to the Supervisor pane makes me think this was the right choice. Strangely, in the new install, the Insteon integration only found 35 devices.
If anyone with Insteon experience has any words of wisdom to pass on, I’d greatly appreciate it as I fumble my way through this new world.
I too am a new user to Home Assistant and also have Insteon hardware. I really never used the Insteon Hub, but used another Smart Home companies hub.
I started looking in to HA recently and realized that I can connect ALL of the oddball (non-Insteon hardware) that I currently have which I couldn’t do before with the other hub. So along with the Z-Wave and other hardware that I have that there’s a lot of Insteon hardware that I need to migrate into this environment.
If you’ve got any tips for Insteon hardware that you’ve came across and care to share I’d love to hear them.
@evansb2 How many devices were you expecting to discover? Is there any pattern to the devices that were not discovered? There is a known “issue” regarding battery operated devices where they have to wake up to be discovered. This is by design in Insteon. Also, if a device is not discovered a simple way to force discovery is to trigger the device, ie. by pressing the set button or any other button on the device.
Hi! My understanding is that you need either an Insteon hub PLC to interface with HA. Other than the hub occasionally losing contact with HA, it’s worked fine. I’m now expanding my network now to include Zigbee devices, like humidity sensors to turn on Insteon switches via HA. This is a fun adventure.
I know this is a very old post, but I’m new to HA and connecting to my Insteon devices. Looking for some advice. I have HA running, and can connect to my Insteon devices. I’ve created some new automations — just setting a button on a multi button device to control another light. Scenes set with the Insteon app before that died still work, but I have no idea how to access or edit them. Is that possible? Is it better to delete them wholesale and just recreate in HA? If so, how is that done?
Any advice would be very appreciated.