New implementation of support for Samsung IP-connected HVAC (port 2878)

Hi everybody,

I was trying to use sebuzet’s custom integration for Samsung AC, and had a hard time with it: my HA slowed to a crawl, with updates taking 5-10 seconds. Couldn’t debug it, too much time to learn all the infrastructure.

So I wrote my own, this time it’s a small Go bridge that runs in a separate process and connects to HA through MQTT. Seems to work.

Find it here:
There is also a docker image:

Please try to use it and let me know how it goes.

– Sasha

Interested in making this work, however your instructions for making it work are a little unclear.

You mention the git hub repository and it only mentions the two example configuration files.

Do i need to clone your Git to my server?
Do i just run the docker application?
What reads what configuration files? Looks like the MQTT docker app wants to read the config.yaml
I’m running my HA in docker too, does that mean they need to share the file system?

Little more info required.

Thanks for uploading!

@Alex_Gontmakher ex_Gontmakher)
hello can you explain how to install it? there is no guide on the link

@Alex_Gontmakher Can help me to uinderstand configurazion for HA?
Maybe it is the best solution to wotk with Samnsug AC 2878.
Thank you