In a recent hassio update (not sure which, but I am running 0.97.2 now), my Teckin / Smart Life (i.e., tuya) smart plug with multiple sockets started misbehaving. If I turn a switch on using the Lovelace interface, the switch does in fact turn on, however a few seconds later the Lovelace interface shows the switch state going from “on” to “off.” This change in the interface occurs despite the switch staying on. Now, if I want to turn the switch “off,” I need to switch it on again in the interface and very quickly switch it off again. Additionally, I also use TileBoard running on an Amazon Fire Tablet, and in this case when I turn the switch on, the interface never updates to showing the switch on although it does in fact turn on.
I want to emphasize this happens only with hardware that has multiple sockets. The Teckin / Smart Life single socket smart plugs work as usual. I did notice in the Smart Life app that the multiple socket smart plugs recently went through a firmware update. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.
The multiple socket plugs have worked fine for a long time, and this misbehavior is new. Any advice?
Same Problems here… But the Problem ist also in the older Version 0.95.4… I have made a Test with the platform tuya and smart_life. The misbehaving is in both platforms and in both Versions from HA (0.95.4 and 0.97.2). I’m sure, that ist worked a good while fine… So I think they changed something by tuya or smart_life…
I’m also seeing this. This doesn’t seem to be anything in Home Assistant. I was running 96.5 just fine and then this this issue started happening. I went ahead and upgraded to 97.2 and it is still broken.
This may be related to a recent Tuya API update, and it seems to be affecting more and more people. There are a couple GitHub issues open around this, and if you go comment and let everyone know that you have the same problem the issue may get more attention.
@JFL3ARD, when you have a moment can you please comment on the following issues to help bring awareness to the problem? The more people that report the issue the better the chance is of this getting fixed sooner rather than later.