Hello. I’m a Stringify refugee looking for a new automation service. I figure since I’ve been learning Node-RED, and even Stringify couldn’t quite do everything i wanted to do, I might as well take the next step.
So I installed the latest Hass.io image on a raspberry pi and started working on setting it up. My Phillips Hue was recognized and setup easily, but I’ve been having difficulty with the Smartthings integration.
I’ve generated the token, but when i try to enter it in the setup dialog, I get an Unknown Error message.
The only thing I’ve been able to find through a lot of google searches have been references to the need for ssl. I have an active Nabu Casa cloud account, and it works. I think that should be sufficient to satisfy the requirements, but something is still wrong.
I tried setting up duckdns, but my smart devices are attached to a google wifi network which is attached to my CenturyLink modem resulting in a complicated port forwarding situation and double NAT which i can’t seem to get past.
So… my questions are…
Can I setup Smartthings with only the Nabu Casa account? Do i need DuckDns?
Are there any known issues with the current implementation that would result in this Unknown Error?
I’m afraid, that while I’m relatively tech savy, I’m still very new to working at this level. Go easy on the newb.