New Yeelight - Unavailable

Just got a new Yeelight model YLDP01YL a supported model.

Edited lights.yaml with this:

- platform: yeelight
      name: Fan Light
      transition: 1000

Get this error:

Failed to connect to bulb, Fan Light: A socket error occurred when sending the command.
15:08 components/light/ (ERROR)

In the Lights list it shows as Fan Light Unavailable.

The Yeelight app and the MiHome both see it and can control it. I also added it to Google Home and I can control it by voice with Google Home.

Only thing I can think of is I can’t find the lan/developer mode in the apps so I am wondering if this is why HA can’t control it?

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In addition, a resync of google assistant and I’m getting the light showing in my test app! Of course that caused it to conflict and google doesn’t know which fan light I’m talking about… so I added it to customize.yaml but maddeningly HA sees it but can’t control it as per above error.

To enable the developer mode you should select the light in the yeelight app, click on the icon at the bottom right (in IOS) and select lan control.



That was just SO FRIGGIN HIDDEN!!!

Thank you so much. Now it’s instantly working.
