Hi automation experts,
I am new to Home assistant and just learning how to set things up. As part of the set up it discovered all of our Google Home devices and I managed to link Hass.IO into google home to control stuff through voice.
Our Google Home app now shows the google home devices twice (one for Google, and one for Hass.IO) - Is there a way to chose what devices Hass.IO makes available to Google Home to not have duplicate devices?
Also, in Home Assistant, the Google Home Speakers show as offline when they are on, just not playing anything through Media. Is this normal or have I missed something in the config? Is there a way to only show them off when they are unavailable?

Many thanks.
I believe you can use the “expose” false option to exclude / filter out devices you don’t want sent over ( I think the option was filter before the last update). The instructions are in the Configuration section from the docs for Google Assistant: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/google_assistant/
As far as the media players, mine show up the same way…they show up as offline. My roku shows as idle. I only have google mini’s so i sort of figured that if they weren’t playing music that showing them as off was fair.
Thank you for your help. I think I have managed to filter them out now.
As for showing as off it is not the end of the world - I just thought maybe I hadn’t set something up right - Normally it is user error 
Again, thank you