Newbie looking for Supervisor and HACS on ArchLinux

Hello All,

I am new to Home Assistant and sorry if these questions have already been answered and explained, I could not find any documentation on these.

I have ArchLinuxARM on a Pi, and I have installed Home Assistant as a package from official distro repositories. I have home-assistant installed in /usr/lib/share/pythonX.X/site-packages and config dir is /var/lib/private/hass.

Is there a way I can get Supervisor mode added to my installation ? Or is that only for container based installations. I will be more than happy to download an archive and install it if there is no easy way to do it.

Is there a way to get HACS/Add-on store enabled for my installation ? Or is that too only for container based installations.

I am guessing others must have run into these and may have comments/guidance.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help anyone can provide.

HACS is installed by adding the required files into the custom_components directory; which isn’t “container-exclusive”:

I would assume you would create the custom_components directory as:


The “Add-on” store (!= HACS) is a feature of a supervised installation and not HA Core Python or HA Core Container.

Thanks for the quick response. Sorry about confusing HACS with Add-on store. I think I get it now. So I believe what I have is HA Core Python. Is there a way to add Supervisor and thus Add-on store to HA Core installation ?

Can confirm by source files :slight_smile:

Going to go on a limb and say no.
Supervisor is a Docker control system that deploys containers on the users behalf.

If you are installing Arch on a Pi and I guess correctly what kind of user you are, I would encourage you to use HA Core Container, and simply deploy the “add-ons” that interest you manually.

At the end of the day, Docker containers “speak” through ports and there is no magic gluing them together.

Thanks, sounds fair. Regarding manually installing add-ons, is there a list of add-ons on the site somewhere ? I would assume some of those might have manual installation instructions.

Though for installing, there will probably need to be some “reverse” engineering.

I think you might be over-complicating this …
What kind of “add-ons” do you need?

NGINX + Let’s Encrypt? It’s 2 minutes to configure with Nginx Proxy Manager
ESP Home? (never done it) their documentation shows instructions

If you genuinely want add-ons, then go Supervised with Home Assistant OS, or hack it together by the installer.

Though note that you will “lose” the host to HA; that is you won’t be able to install much easily afterwards. Which is why I go HA Container :slight_smile:

Thank you, that helps. I can piece things together in my mind now. I do not have a target add-on in my mind, just wanted to explore.

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