Newbie needs help installing on virtualbox

So I’m obsessed with the idea of smart circadian lights and apparently home assistant is the only way to implement this?

I followed the instructions here:

With bridged adapter, realtek gaming gbe family controller (default)

And I get the error message:
System is not ready with state: setup

Using Netgear r6230 with Xfinity modem in bridge mode

Thanks in advance

What is the configuration of your metal box and what is the host OS?
What is the configuration of your VM, under VirtualBox?
Also which HAOS image did you download?

Does a reboot of the VM help? Sometime when they say “system is not ready” they really mean that. You just have to give it sometime. First time booting up the VM would take a while.

And I bet you have more on your screen than that single line error message. What else is on the console screen?