Newbie question: flasing problems


quite new to start with ESPHome. Installed add-on and tried first project (WLED lightning).
But i am stucked with the step of the initial flashing of my device:

  1. tried to put it into one of my RPi4 USB ports -> ESPHome not showing the device port
    Already tried to use different ports and also restarted the ESPHome add-on several times.

  2. Tried to do with ESPHome flasher on my Wn10 device (latest version).
    Also doesn’t show me the device.

I am using an ESP8266MOD 12-F model (got it from Amazon, vendor is AZ-Delivery). Should be quite often used i think.

Thanks for your help in advance,
/ Ralf

Do you mean ESP8266 ESP-12F? So it’s a board with micro USB port?
If you have a windows machine, you can download the binary from esphome and flash it with tasmotizer. That’s the easiest way for me. But you can read here about further possibilities:
It doesn’t matter if you flash a tasmota binary or an esphome binary.

if you are on esphome container then you need to mount the usb port:
in a compose file :

    - /dev/ttyUSB

you can try with priviliged mode too in the compose:

privileged: true

with docker cmd line:

docker `run --device=/dev/ttyUSB1 --privileged` --network="host" -blablablabla esphome/esphome

Thanks for all your help.
I am running the standard image on a RasPi4.
And yes, i am using a ESP8266 ESP-12F.

Also tried the Tasmotizer, it shows a COM1 port but flashing fails.

Seems my Windows just don’t know the hardware, it tells me it is installing but then nothing appears.
I googled and most answers i see is i may need some drivers but not really knowing which ones?
I have latest Win10 version running.
Maybe i just do create a Live Linux version and try with this.

/ Ralf

Is is possible to initially flash it through my RasPi4?
Maybe i missed one step when trying…

/ Ralf

Maybe a silly question, but do you select in the upper right corner what is the port uart in the drop-down menu?
If you want to flash in win10 look here

Some useful tips here


Problem #1: missing drivers - still curious about drivers from year 2014…
Problem #2: choose the right USB port on your PC (my ASUS Z370 mainboard seems to be a bit strange, it only worked on a standard (non-USB3 blue marked) port.

At least the initial flashing is working now. One step ahead… let’s go on…

Thanks for all your help!
/ Ralf

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