Newbie Ubuntu Install

Hello All!

First time attempting to setup Home Assistant. I have an old laptop I installed Ubuntu on to. I followed some directions online, installed Docker, installed, seems like it all worked fine. Hello world connects fine for Docker. When I try going to localip:8123 not connection. Also tried hassio.local:8123 no luck on that either.

I tried systemctl start home-assistant@homeassistant but it says service not found.

Has to be Ubuntu server? I am running Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.

The guide works for ubuntu 20.04.01 LTS too. And it does not have to be ubuntu server.

So it installed, but still ip:8123 does not work.

-Who/home-assistant/master/" | bash -s
[Info] This script is taken from the official
[Info] Home Assistant Supervised script available at
ModemManager.service disabled enabled
[Warning] ModemManager service is enabled. This might cause issue when using serial devices.
[Warning] Docker is using json-file and not ‘journald’ as the logging driver, this is not supported.
[Info] Install supervisor Docker container
[Info] Install supervisor startup scripts
[Info] Install AppArmor scripts
[Info] Run Home Assistant Supervised
[Info] Install cli ‘ha’

This is your issue. To solve it, you need to do this.

# open/create a file with nano
sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

# insert the following content then save (ctrl + s) and exit (ctrl + x)
  "log-driver": "journald",
  "storage-driver": "overlay2"

# restart docker
sudo systemctl restart docker

# wait ~10-15 seconds then restart Home Assistant
sudo ha core restart

Using Ubuntu is also not recommended, you are better off using Debian if you are starting fresh. There is no reason to use Ubuntu for a new install.


log driver was already in there and had that driver info…

When I tried a ha core restart I get…

Error: No such container: hassio_cli

I will download Debian…

HassIO no longer exists, it’s just Home Assistant now