NEXA WTE-2 Trigger on singel click on or off

Hello All smart people!

I have now for 2 weeks tried to make my Nexa WTE-2 wall switches/remote controls to work.

Previously, a friend helped me get them started, but now he does not have time.

They trigger via RFXCOM and I have managed to add a switch and it then gets 3 different entities:

My question is simple like this:

Why does this not work:

state: 'off'
      event_type: button_pressed
      platform: event

It only triggers if I send On first and then Off. I have tried with binary_sensor.
I want the scene to be sent every time I press a switch?

This is what I have now:

I used to have automation like below, but it does not work now:

 id: '1535047611492'
  alias: Scene Kök Släck
  - event_data:
      entity_id: switch.koksbank_2_on_2_off
      state: 'off'
    event_type: button_pressed
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: scene.kok_slack
    service: scene.turn_on
  - device_id: 85e1da9bb8864b9daf06a1909ef7b09c
    domain: light
    entity_id: light.led_kok
    type: turn_off
  - device_id: 2a23ffdc33434f9b82b5880fe51b187d
    domain: light
    entity_id: light.hue_beyond_down_1
    type: turn_off
  - device_id: 25eb95ccfe94400d8169c07f47b91311
    domain: light
    entity_id: light.hue_beyond_down_2
    type: turn_off
  - device_id: 5c04b38fc1374d4485a8c28543dda103
    domain: light
    entity_id: light.hue_beyond_down_3
    type: turn_off
  - device_id: dea42a9ee7084a06ace178e39cbff32c
    domain: light
    entity_id: light.hue_beyond_up_1
    type: turn_off

I made a video to better explain: