Next step. Choose installation type for new hardware. Please give me advice

I have been using Home Assistant for several years now.
I am about to replace my current hardware.
Today i run Lubuntu and Home assistant in docker-compose. This is a headless machine and i havent kept the OS up to date.
I share several disks with Samba to other computers in out house.
I run a lot of other containers as well.
Frigate with USB Coral.
Music Assistant
Unifi Controller
Node Red
Maybe Owncloud

I know all of these are available as addons

My first thought was to install Proxmox on new hardware and run HA OS.
Everybody say it is soo simple and has a lot of advantages. Snapshots ETC. I guess it is a lot less maintaining the underlying OS?
I even thinking of advantages with more Vms for other stuff.
And it seems to give me advantages in case of harware failure to get up and running in other hardware fast.
After Reading about in and tried to install it and run HA OS sucessfully questions appeared.
Best way to share my disks?
Sure i can install samba on the host but some people advise against it.
At the same time as I want to share the same disks with serveral VMs.

Frigate is recommended to run och bare metal. Sure I have seen som succsessful LXC. And even a lot och unsuccessful examples.
I need USB Coral passthroug and maybe GPU passthorugh.
Of course this machine needs a disk, this disk should be shared with samba.

I have plans running Whisper with GPU. Will this give me “two layers” och problems setting it up? First get the GPU driver in the host, then passthrough my GPU to some VM.
Is it even possible to run whisper in HA OS with GPU? Or should i run a VM with “special” docker containers.

Another thought, all VMs seems to get its own IP-address. Can i create a internal network for the VMs that just need to communicate with HA OS?

My Linux skills is bad, i manage to follow guides but i have cant solve problem om my own.

Someone who can give me advice here?

I think everyone overthinks backups. I do NOt backups.

Many people are trying to backup state. This is needed when your underlying OS has several customized changes

Really if you use docker you only need data backup since OS is stateless and restored only compose file (data) is needed.

If you haven’t updated OS is a while just apt update/upgrade and such.

If containers versions are old just recreate container using next point version until your in current. Check breaking changes

I think proxmox has benefit especially if you run VM but why everyone want a snapshot. Are catastrophic hardware failures that common

I rsync a backup of my data to another drive to allow restore from hard fail. Doesn’t matter the OS, when hardware fails your back to installing OS.

Not saying proxmox isn’t good or Linux/docker is better. Just saying it is a preference that has a different set of good/bad.

I wouldn’t recommend starting with new OS cause grass is greener.

If you actually plan and need to run VMs, proxmox is the way. I think snapshots for containers makes no sense.

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