I need to use Nginx for my home assistant. But i don’t now which product to order for my envirenment. I need to use 3 SSL connections to my 3x servers. Which product can i order it? There controller version or plus version.
Another question how stable is that to use also with home assistant or can i better go to Home assistant Cloud?
The meaning is when you use Home assistant Cloud, i don’t need to use nginx becauase home assistant cloud have also SSL connection included for HASS. I can use only one SSL port forwarding for 1 external IP adres. But Nginx can do more with 1 IP adres using Reverse Proxy. Maybe HA proxy is also an option.
Um… What? You don’t need ANY open ports if you use HA cloud. If you use NGINX or any other reverse proxy you will need only one open/forwarded port (regardless of how many domains you are proxying)…
Right, but you don’t need to pay for the ENTERPRISE edition of NGINX. NGINX is 100% free and open source. You don’t need “controller” or “plus” edition. Just normal old NGINX. Or Caddy, or Traefik, or HAProxy, or even Apache. Any of these work as a reverse proxy. For free
Right, when i chose for Cloud then i don’t do anything with forwarding but pay monthly for that.
I will go for Caddyserver but another question is can i install a producition SSL certification buy self from a reseller and install it on home assistant? Because my another servers have also own SSL certificates installed already. So i don’t want do anything that automatically creation of lets encrypt ssl certification via Caddy. Only serve the 443 port to the servers via Caddy from outside.
i think creating lets encrypt certficate using Caddy Server is to complicated or can i do that by HASS self, then i do not need do to anything with Caddy server. Only forwards the ports.