NMA Notification formatting - configuration.yaml

I am trying to get the nma to send messages; key is right; and I think its just the formatting of the msg itself.

  - alias: Send message at a given time
      platform: time
      hours: 11
      minutes: 22
      seconds: 0
      service: notify.nma
        message: 'test'

Is that I have. Just guessing.

Keep in mind that with a trial account you are limited to 5 messages per day.

You can send messages with the ‘Developer tools’. Check the Test if it works section in the docs.

Thanks for the help, I was under the impression my issue was due to the way it was divided up into the fields for NMA. That was incorrect. All appears to be working well…

Also, I am on an u/l NMA account. Been with them since the start, great product. I highly suggest it. I even have a few BASH scripts I am welcome to share that notify you via NMA if your IP (public or private) changes on a machine. Extremely useful for me.

Thanks for the help.