No brightness with Aqara zigbee bulb and deconz

Hello guys, I installed some Aqara Zigbee lightbulb (ZNLDP12LM) using DECONZ. It works well but i can’t manage neither the brightness nor the color temperature using home assistant. It works fine in deconz, but doesn’t even appear on the overview

Any clue ?

For information they appear as “lumi.light.aqcn02” in Home assistant entities.

Brightness and color temp can only be controlled in HA when the light is on. Turn the light on and seeif the options dor brightness/colortemp appear. Also under Developer Tools -> States when you go to the entity, what number does it show for the attribute “supported_feature”?

Thanks for your answer. I tried with the light on and it’s the same. I should have done the screenshot that way sorry.
There is 0 feature supported :frowning:

Do other light bulbs through deconz work?

Can you show a screenshot of this entity from Developer Tools-> States?

I use osram and tradfri lightbulbs too, and they work just fine. Brightness and color temperature are manageable within HA.
Aqara lightbulb :

Osram :

Well, I restarted HA and it’s working now. Sorry about that Oo