I’d like to ask for recommendation for smart switches that does not require neutral wire. which must include the following:
No cloud connectivity
must be able to control at least 1-3 switch, 4 best
If possible to control dimming
same protocol. (currently on wifi only)
cost is a consideration as well
I found that there is broadlink which uses a rm pro to control the switches via rf capabilities but im unsure if the brand is reliable. I have a rm 4 mini but unsure on how to check if its communicating to the internet after i connected it to home assistant and my logs in my router are quite messy
I second the lutron caseta recommendation from @monsieurlatte. They work flawlessly with HA and if you need 3 or 4 way switches the costs get much more reasonable when using Pico remotes for secondary+ switches.
+1 for Lutron Caseta with Pro hub.
This is by far my most reliable smart device tupe in my home. I previously had zwave switches but was forced to use Caseta when I moved to my new home without neutral wiring. Blessing in disguise. They aren’t cheap though.