Are you trying to include this plug with S0 security? You can confirm the security level by going to the zwavejs integration in home assistant, clicking on the devices, then selecting your device, and expanding the menu that says zwave info:
S0 security should be avoided with the exception of being absolutely necessary, like a door lock. S0 security requires 3 messages to be exchanged between the device and controller, which increases bandwidth, and the likelihood of dropped messages and issues. Zwave is very low bandwidth, and combining S0 security with a plug that reports frequent power messages is a recipe for disaster.
If the device supports it, I would use S2 security, which is much more efficient and doesn’t have these issues - you would need to scan the barcode or type in the security key from it to include securely.
If the device doesn’t support S2, I would include it with no security. Even with no encrypted security, there is a level of security in zwave itself that would be difficult to crack unless someone had advanced tools and was present at your home.
If security is a major concern though, and the device doesn’t support S2 inclusion, I would upgrade the plug to a newer device that supports S2 security.
Strange thing is the device is S2 compatible and I had to enter a pin for it to be included securely, I had the incorrect pin for the first two attempts and then it was included insecurely,
But as we can see from the picture, it’s listed as ZWave Plus but Highest security: None which I don’t know what it means?
I have the same problem with the Qubino Smart Plug(tested with a series 500 and 700 controller), so it seems to be a bug, but I’m not sure if is is caused by the plug or an issue in ha/zwave js ui.
Is there anybody out there having a Qubino Smart Plug without those errors?
I got the plug to work with S2 authentication. It just sends status values too often. I have set parameter 40 to 100 and parameter 42 to 180. Since then it runs without problems.