I’m trying to install homeassistant for the first time via portainer and it’s failing with this error: No such image: homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
What am I doing wrong?
I’m trying to install homeassistant for the first time via portainer and it’s failing with this error: No such image: homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
What am I doing wrong?
It’s a little hard to say without more details about how you’re telling Portainer to run HA, but you might need to actually download the image first in Portainer. In “standard” Docker if you use docker run
the image has to be downloaded separately so that the run command can use it. If you use docker compose
that will download any images you don’t already have locally.
When I use the cli and docker run, I get an out of space error.
So better get back into space!
Seems like you’ve got other issues to resolve then. If there isn’t enough space to download the HA image, then you can’t run it. Without more information about your setup, it’s impossible to do anything more than guess. It sure would be helpful to tell us what your running Portainer on, how it’s configured (RAM, drives, freespace, etc).