No UI - again Hassio on pi3

Using vsn 7.2 rebooted and now no UI.

Been having massive problems with the UI not showing recently! Only way I can get it back is to restore a recent backup, and things go back to working again.

I can access Samba and SSH.

Any ideas?

Did you change anything between restoring the backup and the system failing?

Does the red light on your Pi blink at all?

How are you powering your Pi - are you using a USB power supply (not a mobile charger) capable of at least 2.5A at 5V?

Nothing changed between restoring of any significance (a slight mod on an automation - which has passed check)

Red light is indeed blinking - looked at the power supply and it’s 5v 1amp. I take it i need a 5v 2.5amp one then?

I would suggest upgrading the power supply. An inadequate and/or faulty power supply can cause all sorts of odd issues.

Minimum recommendation for a Pi 3B is 2.5A. More is better.

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Just bought one of these from Amazon.

Also - will the lack of power stability have damaged the sd card?

Damaged the card no. Corrupted the file system, maybe.

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Thinking that I may set up from scratch again, and manually pull in all the automations etc then.