No video in iOS push notification

I’m receiving the notification message fine but the video file isn’t being attached. I’ve read through all of the help docs and I think i’m doing this right. Here is the automation task i’m running. I have confirmed that the .mp4 file is created and is valid and I can access it through the media menu in HA.

Any ideas?

alias: Camera Notification TEST
description: ""
trigger: []
condition: []
  - service: camera.record
      duration: 15
      filename: /media/driveway/driveway.mp4
      entity_id: camera.mynas_driveway
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 17
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: notify.mobile_app_PHONE
      message: Driveway Test
      title: Driveway
        video: /media/local/driveway/driveway.mp4
mode: single

When you long press the notification, so you see “Loading actions…” as a button underneath? If it never goes away this likely means the app extension to display the notification is failing to load. One of 2 possibilities: the system needs a restart (rare but common enough) or you have multiple entries for the same device as an integration and the one being notified is the right push token but the wrong integration - remove all and restart the app.

oh that was it - i wasn’t long pressing the notification.

I assumed it would take me into the app and show the media file from the media settings.

Thank you!

Zac, is there a way to change the behavior to play the video with a short press and open home assistant with the long press (force touch) or is this an IOS settings thing that can’t be changed? It may be more intuitive.

madasus1 can you please provide your code how you are implementing it