Node.js library to create Telegram bots for Home Assistant easily

I created a small Node.js library (mainly for myself) to create Telegram bots for Home Assistant with very little and clean code.

A simple bot looks like this:

var Bot = require('home-assistant-telegram-bot').Bot 

var bot = new Bot({
    token: '<Telegram bot token>',
    url: '<Home Assistant url>',

bot.on('/temp', function(chat, hass) {
    chat.send(' Temp: {{sensor.temperature.state}} °C ')

bot.on('/light', function(chat, hass) {

bot.observeState('sensor.wind', function(state, hass) {
    if (state > 10) {
        bot.sendToAll('It`s windy!')

As you can see, it can do three things:

  • Send values from Home Assistant sensors
  • Control HomeAssistant devices
  • Observe a state and inform the user when it changes

The library is available on Github and via npm.
Maybe it’s useful to someone.

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Looks to be very useful. thanks for sharing :slight_smile: