Node Red and traffic data

Hello everyone,

Could anyone please suggest me to create a flow and to ftch the traffic data for a particular location in Germany?

Thanks and Regards

Where do you want to get the data from?
You have already an integration in Home Assistant, a Node for NodeRed or a Website in mind?

Thanks a lot for your reply. I really am confused as I read some posts in forums to receive the traffic data.

My aim is to receive the traffic data for Hamburg(for eg.), I do ot know whichwebsite is suitable to extract it from, I have tried a few but it is not as desired. As I am new, so any inputs will be appreciated. Thanks and Regards :slight_smile:

We’re talking about car traffic data, correct?

If so, I found this:

Thanks a lot @PickleSlice. I am looking for the traffic data to actually show the congestion in Hamburg within two locations.
My aim is to integrate this data with some other data that I am receiving from some other flows. Thanks a lot for your assistance, I will try this link that you have shared. :slight_smile:

Best regards

Previously I was trying to fetch the traffic data from here but could not achieve the desired data

With the recommendation @PickleSlice gave above, I am not sure what URL should I use for the “Get travel time” node