Node red basic flow help


I’ve managed to get node red up and running and am starting to learn/move across some automatons and am having some troubles.

Firstly im trying to use the Xiaomi wireless switch to do different functions on single click/double ect and it isnt working at all. I have the pallets installed and have set up the configuration node to connect to the gateway which is all good. I can then see the results of the switch being clicked, I’m assuming it has something to do with the flow not being correct. Ill add couple of pictures below.

The other thing I am trying to figure out is having it look at a change of condition and if it has happened in the last minute then proceed with the flow. Essentially I am trying to set it up so when I get home and then open up the door, it pushes a TTS to my google home to say welcome home. The TTS part I have working, just not the first part.

Any help or guidance in the right direction is much appreciated :smile:

pics are not much use, you really need to post your flows as json, via the export menu item.

For your second problem you need to change the third node from a trigger node to a current state node.

I can’t help you with the first problem as my xiaomi switches are set to connect directly to home assistant and I pull them into node red from there. You should be able to troubleshoot by adding a few debug and inject nodes though.

Good luck!