I am moving first steps with node-RED.
I installed it in a container and it looks to run fine.
I tried to configure a simple flow just to understand how it works but unfortunately I got this error:
“Home assistant connection failed with error: Connection to home assistant could not be established with config: https://my_duckdns_name:8123 <password redacted>”
Of course I checked twice if I wrote the right API password but it looks there isn’t any error.
Despite this I got continuously the error.
I read the were a lot of people who have same problem but it wasn’t ever clear what the problem was.
Is there anything I can do to troubleshooting the issue?
I got this on 0.84.0 as the legacy API wouldn’t work. The node I was using in Node Red was:
node-red-contrib-home-assistant 0.29
The options I had were to upgrade to 0.84.1, and/or upgrade the node to 0.32 - I chose not to as I knew I was just prolonging the need to change to the new tokens.
In the end I did an upgrade to the node:
This node will do access tokens. Quiet painless in the end - stop node red, remove the old node from the command line and then add the new node. All my settings were picked up from the old node.
Thanks for that - I did notice that post and will eventually move over to the websocket node. I did try it in my dev environment (Sad I know!) and had a few issues, so stuck with the llat node.
Apparently though it should be straight forward to migrate over (similar to what i did before?)
Ok it looks better now.
Nodes looks to stay connected.
All the tutorialsI see used node-red-contrib-home-assistant instead of node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket
Now I can go starting some experiments